Our third litter was born 09.05.2022!
Twenty gave us 5 cute and healthy German Rex Babies.
Parents of this litter are "Wilhelm vom Hause Hamann" and "SE*Oneworld Twentytimestwice".
"Willi" is a blue-white German Rex and Ayk´s half brother.
All kittens are blue or blue-white.
The five kittens hat a great start into life and Twenty is a very experienced mom by now.
DOB 09. Mai 2022
Sex. female
Colour. blue - white (a 02)
Weight 118 g
Lovely little Cassiopeia hopefully does not have much in common with Cassiopeia from the ancient Greek mythology: Cassiopeia's vanity made Poseidon quite angry and she had to sacrifice her daughter Andromeda.
DOB 09. Mai 2022
Sex. female
Colour blue - white (a 03)
Weight 115 g
Callisto (Kallisto) was a nymph in the greek mythology and so beautiful that Zeus seduced her. However his jealous wife Hera therefore turned her into a bear. Our Callisto is beautiful as well, but certainly not a bear :-)
DOB. 09. Mai 2022
Sex female
Colour blue (a)
Weight 105 g
The seer Cassandra was so beautiful that Apollon fell in love with her. When she rejected him, he cursed her to always predigt the truth but never to be believed in. When our little Cassandra looks at you with her big eyes, you will believe anything :-)
DOB. 09. Mai 2022
Sex male
Colour blue-white (a 03)
Weight 116 g
Castor, one of the two Dioscuri, sailed with Iason and the Argonauts and travelled to the Amazons with Herakles. He was loved so much by his brother Pollux that Pollux gave back his immortality just to be able to visit his brother in the realm of the dead. Our Castor is very loveable himself and also a big adventurer.
DOB. 09. Mai 2022
Sex. male
Colour blue-white (a 03)
Weight 111 g
Charon is the glomm and old ferryman in Greek mythology who drove the dead across the Styx to the realm of the dead in his boat. Our little Charon is not at all gloomy and old ;-).
A growing bundle of joy :-). Looking into the bitter box we can See happy satified Babies. The all gain weight and have doubled their birth weight.
Ist not that easy anymore to gut all 5 on one picture :-). Our babies grow and develop very well and they are also getting more active now.
Good Morning! All are growing well.. they have now left the bitter box and are playing in the kennel. They have also tried some food.
Our Babies are huuuge by Not and this was a really lucky moment getting them all on one picture.. All 5 bring us lots of joy and we are sad knowing that farewell day is getting closer.